y'all, how my heart has missed this! i realized quickly once i had to step away from blogging that i am actually quite passionate about blogging. i love writing. i love beautiful images. i love recording life's little nuances and happenings. i love the blogging community. i am inspired here.
so. goodness. lots to catch you up on!
1. ArtQuiver closed. sad day.
2. received beautiful painting from ArtQuiver closing. happy day.
3. got a new job at an events planning firm. woo woo!
4. became briefly overwhelmed by new job, new schedule, and soon-to-be new life. boo hoo!
5. got back on the horse and decided to woman-up to the big bad world.
6. our venue accidentally double booked our wedding. (yes, yes less than a month before the big day)
7. crisis ensued. flexed my muscles, waited patiently (sorta) and...
8. got the venue! wedding back on!
9. .... oops forgot i was supposed to be training for a half marathon.
10. had bachelorette party and had way too much fun. perhaps some photos will make it to this here blog.
11. ran ten miles (i'm still alive!). threw up in front lawn... (i'm still alive!)
so i'm headed to philly this weekend with my two best friends to run the half marathon (they're hoping to make great times. i'm hoping to finish! but hey, i'll be proud of that accomplishment). anyone have any rockin' things to do while we're there?
next up, wedding details to fill you in on! so close, loves!
my sister, m, and i saw sanders in concert a couple of months ago. i love this song. if you have the chance to see him live ever, i highly recommend it. it wasn't just music; it was an experience.
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