my j brand jeans are always a favorite. they're stretchy without stretching out. tom's shoes are incredibly comfortable, and they're always a good buy since every pair of shoes bought will guarantee a pair of shoes for a child in need.

can't resist fruity candy in the car.
i've mentioned that i love to read. m and i started to read books together when we were dating (it's so much more fun than watching a movie!). we read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close earlier this year, and i highly recommend it. now we are reading m's pick - Killer Angels, which chronicles the battle of gettsyburg. i'm not usually drawn to historical fiction, so this has been a good exercise for me.
and where would a road trip be without some good listening? we are making our way through tim keller's sermons on marriage (amazing), and i will be forcing m to listen to the new taylor swift album until we both know the words by heart.
When traveling from Charlottesville, I always pick up a sandwich from Belair on my way out of town. It's such a treat a few hours later (especially on Sundays when Chik-fi-a is closed)!
ReplyDeleteI like to bring a 2 liter bottle (empty)...gatorade style. No stopping for bathroom breaks for me. I also love some podcasts...this American Life...and maybe a lil Wheezy (Lil Wayne) for when I'm getting tired. Road sodas (beers) are also a trip treat. Seriously stoked on y'all comin to the Dub N C (western north carolina). http://www.kayaksession.com/video211.php
ReplyDeleteLove you sis.
I take full credit for your love of Road Trips! You spent HOURS listening to books on tape (The Cay, Timothy of the Cay, and of course, Adventures in Odyssey to mention but a few) on our family trips from VB to DoCo. Oh yeah...on "tape" is a stone age term for what is now podcast...look it up!
ReplyDeleteAlso...I think Jeff has the rightt idea for you, since you NEVER like to use public restrooms...
thanks for the suggestions, all! mom, you're right; you deserve all the credit. i have so many fond memories from childhood road trips - they are the reason i know all the words to Les Mis!
ReplyDeletei'm slowly getting over my fear of gas station bathrooms...